Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day 1 Ultimate Reset 2013

Grocery Shopping and Day 1!
Well what an experience it was grocery shopping for the Ultimate Reset! I made my list for the first few days while sitting at an all day baseball tournament. I literally went day by day and looked at the recipes and food I would need. I have bought foods that I have never even heard of being a Meat and Potatoes girl raised in the South. This is going to be such an experience for me. I ended up going to Targets who had most everything I needed for the first few days, then to a Local Fresh Market grocery store where I thought I would be able to find the rest of what I needed but that was a no go. So I then found myself at Publix picking up sandwich meets for my kids school lunches and find a few things I needed.

So I went Home Sunday night ready to get ready for the week and started digging into the recipes.. Well day 1 was all stuff I could fix Monday morning before work or when I got home so that is exactly what I did. However, I did go through the spice cabinet and clean it out. We had stuff in there from like 2-3 years ago or longer. Basically I got organized and got my mind wrapped about what was about to take place.
What is taking place? The more I read about the Ultimate Reset and the more I watch success videos I get more excited and alittle bit nervous. I really didn’t know exactly what I was getting myself into until I get the kit it and started reading. What I knew: There was some stuff I had to take several times a day. I  knew there was no exercising for 21 days. I knew it was eating Clean and Healthy. I knew distilled water was involved. What I didn’t know: There are a lot of food out there that I knew nothing about like Tempeh. That really after the 21 days that exercise should be kept at 50% of your ability for the first week and then full steam ahead. Something I found interesting it said that you should stay away from alcohol (for me wine) for at least a month after  the rest is over. I fully planned on rewared myself with some 50 Shades of Grey Wine the weekend after. I can see the point that because you are removing all of these toxins from your body and drinking wine would quickly return them and probably make you sick. I also didn’t know that it would help to clear out “emotional bag.” Not only is this a reset to get all of the toxin out of your body but some have said it really helped to clear their mind and get ready of any emotional baggage they were carrying around. Last but not least, I didn’t know there would not be a substitute list for things I just can’t stomach: Spinach, Kale (though it is not to bad), Cucumbers, Berries and a few others.

Day 1 is over in the books so how did it go! Well I think it went pretty well. I only messed up a few times. Like I got up and took my morning medicine (not reset supplements) with normal water and then forgot to take my last round of supplements 30 minutes before I ate. Well know I know if I forget I can take it 2 hours after I eat! Good to know. I did have 1 cup of Organic Green tea with some honey in it instead of coffee because I was dragging!

By lunch at 11am I was getting hungry but had to have my supplements first. I took them, waited my 30 minutes and then ate my salad. It was okay filing but by 1pm I was starving and I had to wait until 2pm to take my Alkalinize (nasty stuff every made I think) and then wait thirty minutes before I could have a snack. After my apples and 12 raw almonds (yeah I had to count them) I felt better. I finished the day at work and ran by the store to get a fresh piece of Salmon. I went home and marinated the fish while starting to prep food for the next couple of days knowing that they were going to be crazy! I fixed rice, lentils, chicken, hardboiled eggs, my dinner for Tuesday night since we have baseball from the time I get off work until 7pm.  It was around 8pm on Monday before I got everything prepped and ready and man was I wore out.
Day 1 was not bad at all and the food was good. The big thing for me was not being able to get out during lunch to socialize and sticking with the timing when things need to be eaten or taken. None of the food n day 1 was stuff I had not heard of though Kale was something I had not tried and I am really not a fan of since I have tried. I was given a recipe on how to prepare it better but since it calls for milk and cinnamon I am not sure about using it while on the reset.

When I woke up on Day 2 I felt refreshed and ready to go! I haven’t slept that good or through the night in a few weeks.

More to come! I will be blogging everyday to document my experience and to share my results!

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