Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day 3 & Still Going Strong 2013

I woke up groggy but that slowly faded. I think it was more just the getting up and going then anything. I only hit the snooze button once before I got up. According to my Fitbit I slept 7hr and 45mins and was only restless one time! WOOH!! That is a first in months. My typical sleep pattern: Go to be around 9pm, talk on the phone for an hour, flip the channels for 30mins-1 hour, turn the TV off and lay there looking at the ceiling for an hour or longer and then be restless 5-15 times and awake 3-4 hoping for 6 hours.

By time I showered and got ready I started getting a little hungry. I put my Kale on to Boil and took my supplements. I then got my kids lunches ready and my older son’s dinner ready since he was leaving on a field trip and needed a bagged dinner for the trip. Once they were off and I had my breakfast and lunch packed it was off to work I go!

Breakfast was better this morning and after my 24oz of water before breakfast I wasn’t as hungry. Another 24oz of water and some work and then it was time for supplements 2. I wasn’t hungry yet but I took them because it was time. Today’s lunch was not something I was looking forward to. The Lentil-Lime Salad stuck to high heavens and I am not sure how it was going to taste at all! Well let me just say it was hard to stomach and I didn’t get much of it down at all. I tried everything to get it down I just couldn’t. Luckily today was a Micro-green salad today though to. However, I made my dressing on Monday and it had separated in the container I had it in and would not shake bake together. It was almost like all of the oil had evaporated which I know can’t happen. It was weird but I went with it. It took me about an hour to eat the whole salad today. This made me have to wait longer to take the nasty Alkalinize. It may be okay with some OJ.  There has to be an easier way to get it down.

All in all I haven’t been as hungry today but I am still looking forward to my Apple and almonds!
Dinner was Miso Soup, Sushi with Tempeh, avocado, rice and carrots along with a cucumber salad. I still can’t find the nerve to try cucumbers again so I opted for a salad no dressing. The sushi was rather easy to make and tasted pretty good. I need to learn the tricks to making sushi. I got it to roll okay but getting it to cut into pieces was a totally different story so it was more like eating a burrito wrapped in seaweed! The Miso soup was okay but I have had better. It was lacking something and brown instead of the usual yellow that I am used too. I could have picked up the wrong kind of Miso though. It was a brown paste and didn’t look too appetizing.

After dinner it was date night!! Yeah. Well date now for now is a movie at his house since there is no going out to eat or ordering some Chinese food and eating in. Luckily I have been blessed with a man that understands this and it working on his on health and fitness right now so it isn’t an issue. However I have found that these meals or the preparation and cleaning of the kitchen afterwards makes me totally exhausted.
I feel asleep rather quickly once I got home and sleep pretty well. According the fitbit 7hr 39min and 2x restless (snooze button 2x).

Day 4 is off and running!!

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