Wednesday, January 14, 2015

2015.... The Year of......

January 14 2015

I would to say the Year of Change, The year I take my life back, but how many people make those resolutions and never follow through with them? Well that is not going to be me.

So you know what I did?

I didn't make a Resolution. I am working on a plan. A Plan to fix my spiritual life, family life and my health.

Spiritual Life.
1. Read the Bible more
2. Pray More
3. Get more Connected at Church

Family Life
1. Eating Dinner at the table 4-5 nights a week together
2. Reading the Bible together
3. Working together to keep the house in order teaching my sons some responsibility.
4. Finding activities we all like and do them together.

1. Finding what works for me.
2. Move more

Keeping it simple.