Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Welcome to the Jungle!!

Not really the Jungle but sometimes don't you just feel lost..

Weight lose, Getting  Healthy, Changing Your Life 

It is all a Journey. It helps alot of you have supportive friends and/or family so surround yourself by them.

Yesterday while at Pure Barre (aka the Barre because it is so much more fun to tell you boss at 3:30pm you are going to the Barre then the gym) I had 2-3 people tell me how much weight I had lost.. yeah you got that right. People who see me almost everyday are noticing!

It takes 4 weeks for you to see the change, 8 weeks for family and 12 weeks for everyone else.

Well today was day 65 in a row of me logging my food everyday. Yeah 65 days of changing my life for the better and I am down 12lbs! or more because I refused to record my heaviest weight.

So surround yourself with people who support you and encourage you. If they don;t get rid of them

I am starting a ChaLean Challenge Group on Feb 18th! Ask me for details!

Friday, January 11, 2013



No this is not a Shake Weight or an exercise class that you Shake it in..

What is Shakeology and Why do I love it so much?

Shakeology is a meal replacement shake that gives me a ton of enegery, makes me full and makes my chocolate cravings go away!

If you don’t know, Shakeology is a meal replacement shake that comes in four flavors … chocolate, vegan chocolate, greenberry, and vegan tropical strawberry.  Many people make the mistake of thinking that it’s just a protein shake when it’s really much more than that. 

Yes it has protein in it but it also has 70+ other whole food and superfood ingredients in it as well. 

Now alot of people get hooked on the price of it... Boil it down to this...
Are you stopping at Starbucks once a day for a Latte? There is the cost of your Shakeology.
And which do you think is healthier for you!

I just can say enough about this.. mixed with the right Healthy life style Shakeology will transform your body and lower your cholesterol..

Read more about it here and please send me an email with any questions


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What I am learning from the Barre

As you may have figured out by now I have a bit of an obsession with Pure Barre...

What is Pure Barre?

"Pure Barre is a total body workout that lifts your seat, tones your thighs and burns fat in record-breaking time. Utilizing the ballet barre to perform small isometric movements set to fantastic music, Pure Barre is the fastest, most effective, yet safest way to change your body. Students see results in just 10 classes.

Pure Barre is intelligent exercise. The technique protects your joints as it does not involve any bouncing or jumping. Each strength section of the workout is followed by a stretching section in order to create long, lean muscle without bulk. The workout launches a full blown attack on the areas of the body all women struggle with: abs, hips, seat and arms. It defies gravity by tapering everything in and lifting it up."

That comes directly from their site... But really what is it?
No it is not a Dance workout like Zumba.
Yes it is done at a Ballet Barre.
Yes we do use weight 2-3-5lb weight
Yes we use our own body weight, exercise tubes, double tubes and a small ball.

What do we do in class?
A killer warm up with lots of core work like pilates, pushups and dip with upper arm work.
Then we work out thighs, seat and our Abs! and then we work our seat some more.
This is all set to motivating music.. Well for me.. I love upbeat music.

How do I feel while in class?
Well I sweat like some kind of crazy person! According to my Scosche Rhythm Heart Rate monitor I burn anywhere between 650-900 calories in 1 55 minute class.. Yes I said 55 minutes...
How it that possible? Well my HR stays elevated to my weight loss/cardio almost the entire class from the first few minutes of warmup!
It is normally all women in there.. of all shapes and sizes and abilities. No one says anything to anyone discouraging and no one gives each other dirty looks.. We are all there for a reason Lift. Tone. Burn!
The instructors.. well they are all just wonderful! I love having them in class taking with you! it pushes me just a little bit harder.

So today was day 12 in a row for me and 15 days since Dec23.. So yes 12 classes in 15 days..

Here are the changes I have noticed in and out of class:
When I walk, I don't slump over. I walk with my shoulder pulled back and stomach in and hips tucked under.
Even when I am in the car I "tuck" when the right kind of song comes on the radio... I am so glad people can't see this!
Last Friday I wore my size 14 "Skinny" jeans to work.. Yes they make them that size and they were comfortable for a change..
The pants I wore yesterday were lose.. I mean they haven't been that lose in a while!
I can feel a difference in my body. my legs feel leaner and longer on my 5'2" body
and I can tell... My thighs are smaller.. :)

Now for in Class results:
Hello Flexibility where have you been hiding! It is coming back with every class!
I can now do "girl" push ups and get almost all the way to the floor with them!
I have Abs.. I know there is a 6 pack just hiding underneath my fat on my belly... I can get through the warm up without wanting to just fall on the floor..
90 second plank at the beginning.. I can now hold it about 1/2 of that time and even when I go to my knees I shake like I have something from with me.. Plank I will own you by the end of the month! Still having a few lowered back problems.
Thigh.. I can almost make it through the whole three exercises of thigh!! Me and the Chair are still at Odds with each other!
Seat... well today I found my muffin top.. Hello that hurt.. my leg is getting higher and higher and higher when we do seat exercise.. improved flexibility! and I am a small Pure Barre Ledge forming.
Abs.. They are getting "easier" as I push myself farther..
once again my flexibility is coming back... Leg to the Barre on round back!! Points!!

I can not say enough about this.. If there is a Pure Barre in your area go. If there isn't order the DVDs and when you travel somewhere with a studio take a class...

I can't wait to see what the next 12 class does for me!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Motivated vs Committed!

So What is the Difference between Motivated and Committed?

According to the dictionary:
Motivated - provided with a motive or given incentive for action

Committed - pledged to do, or to support, something, obligation, to put (oneself) under a particular obligation

To me Motivated is something that can come and go. Where being committed says that I am going to do this and stick with it until I meet my goal for a certain item.
So How does this play into getting fit?

Motivation can come from several things.
1. Seeing a picture of yourself and saying Wow I am that heavy...
2. Someone asking, if you are a woman, when the baby is do
3. Stepping on the Scale for the first time in a while
4. Your fat pants are too tight
5. Someone telling you that will be hard.

For me someone telling me that will be hard if more a motivator then anything. Some people say it is because they want to be around for their kids which this is true but after watching someone walk off the Biggest Loser last night after 1-2 workouts you know they might have been motivated by their kids but they were not ready to commit!

So for me I am committed. I am committed to go to the Barre (Pure Barre, now that there is another Barre in town). I am committed to completing the Les Mills Combat Program (order it at www.beachbodycoach.com/FlipperLosingit)  in the 8-9 weeks the Program runs.. I might not be at the top level but I will be doing. I commit to eating Healthy. And No that does not mean I am swearing off all sweats and the food you shouldn't eat, but yes they will be limited! After while having them is Blah and you don't want them.

Why have I become so Committed? I am sick and tired of feeling sick and Tired! I want to be able to play baseball or basketball with my sons. I want to feel better about myself... What other motivation do I need.

Last night on the Biggest Loser they stated that our children today have a lower life expectancy then our parents because of Obesity!

Yesterday was my 10th day in a row at the Barre! I got caught up on the Les Mills Combat program and I am ready to Rock the Rest of January!

I am using www.stickK.com to track my goals!! You can follow me there to at FlipLosingIt

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!

So it is that time of year again. Time to reflect on what we wish we would have done last year, what we did do this year and what we plan on doing this year! Well I am here to tell you.. This year will be different for me!

Today started off with my Pure Barre Class at 8:15am yes early for the day after what I normally would have spent up late celebrating with friends but this year, I went to a movie alone and come home to watch the Ball on times square drop and be with my kiddos!

Class was rough this morning. I don't know if it was because it was so early or because it was my 5th day in a row on top of doing the Les Mills Combat! Oh my.. Yeah I am motivated, I can do this.

Who wants to join me? I am on facebook under Flipper is Losing it. I will be starting a Challenge Group On January 14th if you are ready to take your life back. Contact me for details.
