Monday, February 23, 2015

43 Days of Pure Barre and I am still going

We are 43 Days into the 60 Day Challenge and so far I have made it to call everyday and one of those days included a 90 minute full body intensive class. So a few things I am learning.

During Warm-up, I mean like the first raise your knees to your chest your legs are going to hurt after the first lift. IT is going to happen after 43 days and no breaks.

When pumping your arms at the beginning your legs aren't going to go that far down. Some Days they will be lower than others.

Plank... 90 seconds that feels a lot longer than that.. I have yet to do the whole 90 seconds. Some days I try the first 30, some days I try the middle 30 and others the last 30. There are some days that no matter how much will power I have my Abs shake uncontrollably when I do the whole plank on my knees.. My shoulders burn and my Abs burn... So who cares if I am on my toes, it is still working.

Thigh work... The Place that they say sets the ton for the class. Well today I must have been totally our of it because after 2 thighs I was ready for a stretch and honestly thought we were done. We all have good days and bad days at the Barre. At 34 straight days it doesn't take long to feel the burn or get to the shake. Honestly though I don't know sometimes if the burn is my muscles changing or them screaming "Please take a day off!"

There are days that Thigh work was so killer that the stretch even burns..

Seat... Well depending on what we do this can be really taxing. I mean if your thighs are already toast and we do one of the lunge or waterski positions seat and be overly challenging. You really have to focus on what you are doing. You can tell when someone is new in class the most during seat. Why? Because it is about little movements. During your first time in class you honestly have no idea that you are only moving those little muscles around your hips. You see women swinging their legs like it is nothing and you can't help to giggle and think I was one so there.

Abs... Round back, Flat back and on the floor. For some crazy reason someone thought it would be a good idea to add a little weight work to the middle Abs.. be warned if you do this in class, a day or 2 later it is really going to catch up with you and you will have no idea what you did to yourself. I experience this on day 42.. I think on day 41 we used weights during abs.. might have been 40 and some day 42.. the littlest abs movements hurt.

About our wonderful Pure Barre instructors..
They are always so cheerful and preppy and sometimes you'd like to play a game of dodge ball with and that little red ball. Just when you think you form is great, they either lift your leg higher, push your shoulder down sinking you lower into thigh or lift your arms higher for tricep work. I apologize now if I have every screamed so loud in class that someone might have heard me.
I often wonder how many time in class they ether get frustrated because we aren't doing things correctly or how much they laugh to themselves when they know what is next and they know it is going to hurt.

I love Pure Barre... I am 17 classes away from hitting 60 classes in a row and I just hit my 250 class last week and All I can think about is... When will I hit 500!!

Join me at the Barre if you haven't already tried it!! #purebarrehuntsville #pureresolution #60daychallenge

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