Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Feeling the Burn.....

So I haven’t blogged in forever!! I have been way to tired when I got home from it all to even think about trying to blog about working out. So what have I been up too….

I actually had to go back and seen when I blogged last and then check my Pure barre Schedule to see what I have been doing…. Sad I know… So I went Thursday morning.. Yeah 6am….. Go me…. I remember getting up at 530am thinking I can do this and then not getting out of bed until 545am but getting to class on time.. I am glad class is so close… I remembering being a bit under the weather and thinking going to class wasn’t the best idea.. on too Saturday Night… No I didn’t make it to class on Friday due to a ballgame, Saturday because well I needed some sleep.. but Saturday night… Pure Barre Grand Opening.. and what a party it was.. The only thing I could think of that would have made it better was Dancing.. They had Food, GigI’s Cupcakes (miniature ones), Drinks and Music but no dancing… oh well it was still fun and they had a great turn out!!
One again no class on Sunday because I was on the farm so come Monday at 415pm  I was in total withdraws…

Monday was brutal.. yeah….. I am learning to hate that little red ball.. yeah the warm-up now consist of that little red ball and I don’t like it… Abs burn, burn, burn and at some points feel like they are going to rip away from my body…. And the plank that got easier and I could do the 90 seconds.. I feel like I am back at day 1!!! Ok yes it really does hurt that bad… Then we do this little push up thing but we are lowering our knees to work our lower Abs and Hello Pain…. The best way to describe it.. It feels like you have some kind of little Alien inside you trying to tear through your stomach muscles!!! Don’t be afraid to try it.. I have totally decided that I do have a 6 pack….underneath the belly fat!! It has got to go!!
Now Push-ups… and not our normally girly push-ups that I already think if MikeE saw me doing these I would be in serious trouble.. but 2 count Killer Push ups!! On to Triceps dips and man do they seem to get harder and not easier!! I am attempting to move from 3lb weights to 5lbs but I am a total whimp!!!! Totally…. I did make it halfway through Tuesdays workout with them!!!!

On to Thigh….. Monday I got way with no chair.. Wooh no chair.. The other days I was not so lucky…. Tuesday consisted of 1 chair exercise and when Katie taught on Wednesday.. 2 Chairs,, Yes two… Oh Brother seriously….. I think Katie said it best when she was on the Radio… Have you ever been to the gym and had a trainer??  If you have, I know they have made you do a Wall Sit…. Well in Pure Barre we do that for 55 minutes.. Okay not really but Thigh work is 10 minutes or so, then seat for 10 minutes or so and your leg is bent so it is like doing that dreaded wall sit for a good 20 minutes.. and man do your legs burn after words. I have always enjoyed doing the stretches after thigh work but lately they have been burning so bad that the stretched hurt!! So I have a Challenge for all of you Tough Guys out there… Come to a Pure Barre Class on Friday with me during the month of April.. I bet we can make you cry!!

Seat.. Well this seems to be getting tougher not easier!! Seriously! My Hips needs to be stretched or something because the opposite hip hurts that we are working and no matter how much I try to correct it, yes I have talked with the instructors on what I am doing wrong and how to fix it when it starts doing that, It does not help. And lifting my leg to the back at 5 or 7.. yeah I feel like I need a good stretch or something…. Then on to Ab work…. Always tough but I really am over that little Red Ball!! Over it!!!

In the meantime I also workout our upper body and Abs with MikeE on Tuesday right before Barre and man I keep saying I won’t do that again!! I burn more calories at Barre though but it makes the arm exercises and weights almost unbearable!

So it is getting close to the 2 months anniversary of Pure Barre and do I still love it.. YES!!! It is my
Happy  Place
for me each day just for those 55 minutes… I feel my body getting stronger and my cloths are fitting loser! I am trying to drag anyone with me that will go and give it a try… I am a believer and I have drank the Kool-Aide but it is some good stuff!!
After all this time I am still getting sore from doing this on basically a daily basis!

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