Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day 8 and Week 1 of being Vegan 2013

Sunday night I went to bed early! I slept for 8hrs and 41minutes. I was awake 1 time and restless 7 so that is why I hit the Snooze button like 4 times before getting up

I am nervous about the next 2 weeks of the reset. Week 2 cuts out animals products including dairy. It is fruits, veggies and some starches from here on out!

Results from week 1: Yeah I weighed.. down 3.8lbs and 8 inches total. I measure in 9 places. Chest (under where the bra would be to get a real measurement of “bra fat”),  At my waist (belly button), hips at the biggest part, right and left thigh, calf and bicep. I was happy that my thighs and calves went down!
Time to take my supplements and add in the Detox. Everyone talks about how bad it is but really compared to the Alkalinze it is not bad at all. Breakfast today is fresh fruit. For me that consist of Strawberries, Blueberries and half a green apple. I can say until the reset I only fruit I ate was apples or bananas and some grapes. I am starting to increase my taste buds and get over the little things that have bothered me all these years. Surprisingly enough this breakfast kept me full until lunch.

By lunch I was able to get 72o z of water down. I am keeping a 24oz bottle next to me and making sure I am getting own 1 and hour until lunch then finishing up with more in the afternoon. It is my goal to get at least 90oz a day.

Lunch consisted of a Micro-green salad and homemade dressing with a slice of avocado. This is something that I just started eating to. It is great in guacamole but alone I was not so sure about that. I seemed to get hungry quicker after this meal. I may need to tweak it a little bit and add some chickpeas to give me a little boost.

Snack time… Oh yeah Greek yogurt with a touch of cinnamon, honey and the rest of the blueberries and strawberries I didn’t eat at breakfast. This was oh so good.
Time for Dinner.. Red Beans and rice (homemade with no meat), Asparagus and Zucchini. It was very filling. 
After Dinner I took my oldest to look for him a Halloween costume. It was around 8pm when we got back and I was so ready for bed. The tired spells have come back and my body is aching all over.
I tried a hot bath with some Epson Salt but it is so not the same without a glass of wine. I feel like my body has been put through another Insanity certification with Shaun T there himself and I haven’t exercised in weeks.  It is almost like the aches you have when you have the flu. This is something that a massage only helped a little bit and my massage therapist told me I have a lot of trigger points in my legs that needed to work out and I must have been hitting the gym hard. If only he knew.

Day 8 is over and in the books! Only 13 more days of Vegan eating and tomorrow’s breakfast doesn’t sound at all appetizing. 

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