Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day 6 Ultimate Reset 2013

It is Saturday and we are having a garage sale at my house. I had decided though that since my mom and grandmother handled it I was going to try and sleep in. Well at 5am I was wide awake. Then again at 6am and so on. Twister, our English Springer Spaniel, would bark anytime someone walked up to the house! Heaven help me. Well I got up around 9am and took my supplements. I sat outside for a little while with my mom until I decided she needed to see my Halloween Costume for the party I was going to that night. She laughed at me.. Now I am normally very conservative but over the past year I have grown a lot of confidence in myself and went a little out of my comfort zone this year.

On to breakfast: Kale with Pine nuts, Baked Tempeh, 1 slice of whole grain bread and I forgot the avocado. It was good. Tempeh is growing on me and Kale it very slowly. I hung out for a little while but knew I needed to get going. I need to run to the mall to find some think hose to wear to the party because it was going to be cold. Then to get my grocery shopping for week 2 done and back home to cook my dinner for the night.

Now my timing of the supplements and food was off today. I was gone for almost 3 hours and when I got back it was time to start cooking and getting ready for the party.

So I had my lunch: Quinoa Salad and a Microgreen salad, I through the Quinoa on top of the Microgreen and started preparing dinner.  See for dinner there is a soup with Cashew’s in in and they have to soak for an hour. So while they soaked for an hour I cut up my veggies for dinner and put them in the oven. They are supposed to cook for 40-50 minutes and here it was 2pm and I needed to leave my house at 330pm. So I got my veggies on and ran upstairs to get my hair done. I had 20 minutes to get my hair in curlers so I could come flip the Veggies. Done! I came down flipped the veggies and cut up my Zucchini up to start to boil for my soup.  I now had about 15 more minutes.. time to get to get the make up done and get partially dressed.
Well everything got done and I was out of the house at 345pm. Not bad because I didn’t have to be there until 415pm but I have been taught if you are supposed to be there at 415 and you show up at 415 you are late.. Always arrive 15 minutes early.

So here I was, dressed as the Cheshire cat going to a Halloween Party to meet my Boyfriends’s friends for the first time where there would be all kinds of food and I have my dinner packed and a snack just in case I got hungry.

So Dinner was Zuchini-Cashew Soup, Roasted Root Medley and some Quinoa. It was supposed to be Miller but I substituted the Quinoa because I didn’t have any millet at the house. My man was cute. He didn’t want to eat in front of me because of what I was having and they had BBQ, some little sandwiches that looked good, dumplings ( I had 1 little bite of his) and all kinds of sweets. I told him I was good to fix him a plate and I would be fine. Talk about some will power. Over the night I did have two small glasses (like 4oz each) of hot apple cider because it was freezing and 1 piece of candy corn. It was in a cup at the table we were playing cards at. I am surprised I had that much self-control because they had brownies and I had wanted some Chocolate.  The night wad good though!

Day 7.. almost a third done with the reset!

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