Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day 11 Ultimate Reset 2013

I so didn’t sleep good last night. And here is the reason why I believe because it has become a pattern. I am a single mom. Ever since my divorce has been final (going on 6 years now) I have made some really bad choices when it comes to men. Bad may be the understatement of the year if you know me really well. Anyways how does this do with no sleeping well a few days a week? I have found this great guy and things are going great! We have quickly settled into a routine and things couldn’t be better. It seems that the mornings after we have a good evening together I wake up just a little over the edge nervous. A few friends of mine just say that this is me missing him. I am slowly starting to agree. I am twitterpated.
Just in case you don’t know what twitterpated is :

So breakfast today is fruit again. Oh how I would really like some oatmeal with walnuts and cinnamon. There is a lot of fruit on the menu for the next couple of days. Heck I could even go for Chickpeas. I am a creature of habit but I need some protein with breakfast.

By 10am my stomach was starting to growl. Okay confession. For 10 days I have been able to get almost a gallon of water down and today I have 24oz or a little more down. Maybe close to 30oz. I have been getting in 72oz by lunch and today that is not going to happen. So I broke. On weeks 2-3 of the reset you can have Vegan Shakeology with water and some fruit added in. luckily being a beachbody coach I carry around samples packets of all the flavors with me. So I poured up a cup of water and put in my chocolate Shakeology and yummy… Oh how I have missed you my Shakeology!

I just came to this very conclusion.  The marketing for Shakeology says :
1)      Lose Weight -  I know this to be true not only from my own experience but from one of my coaches who just couldn’t get off that last bit of baby weight but once she started using shakeology daily it came off
2)      Reduce Cravings – So true! I never crave anything. These past two weeks I have craves chocolate like it was going to stop being made.
3)      Feel Energized –The Ultimate Reset has been known to make you tired and to feel like you just ran a marathon because of all of the hard work your body is doing. However my energy level is no where near the level that it is always at when I am on shakeology daily.
4)      Improve Digestion and Regularity – Well nothing has changed there but I wouldn’t expect that because of all of the clean food I am eating! And the detox supplement

Lunch was a lot later than normal. I made an appointment at 11:30am, not sure what I was thinking but I did it. Lunch was a repeat from dinner last night. Quinoa Lentil Pilaf the way I made it and I had the rest of my Sweet Potatoe & red pepper Bisque soup that I didn’t eat yesterday for lunch. It was just a taste.
I rushed out of work because it is Halloween. The rain was supposed to move in at 5pm and I the boys with a lot of friends wanted to go Trick-or-Treating. Maybe I am just a big kid but I love Halloween. I always dress up with the kids as we walk around the neighborhood. This was going to be a trying Halloween for me. Normally I pick at the kids candy while we are out because we could walk for 2 hours or more. Typically we have dinner beforehand but not today because of the rain. So one all the kids (my 2 plus 3 neighborhood boys, plus one of the oldster kids friends and his brother, sister and mom) friends were over we left to go get on other friend who lived around the corner. We walked for almost 2 hours before getting back to our house. I didn’t eat one piece of candy the whole time we were out. I came home took my supplements and cooked my dinner. Hearty Vegetable Miso Soup with Asparagus. Okay it was supposed to me steamed swiss chard but I wanted my asparagus. This time I cooked it with a Olive oil, almonds, onions and some garlic. Hello new favorite!

Well after dinner was done I still had this awful craving. I broke down. I had a bit and I been a bit of a chocolate chip cookie and a small bit size twizzler. I didn’t beat myself up about it. The twizzler was not good but man oh man the chocolate chip cookie was. I could have eaten the whole thing and it was one of those big ones from Costcos. I quickly went upstairs so I wasn’t around any of that stuff. We all make mistakes, we all slip up but I am not going to let this two little bites ruin my 21 days. It will happen but it won’t happen again the next 10 days!!

I am half way through the reset and still loving it. Tomorrow night will be trying because we are going to a Ducks Unlimited Banquet. Chicken, BBQ and all the sides plus a bar. Oh my! I got this!

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