So What is the Difference between Motivated and Committed?
According to the dictionary:
Motivated - provided with a motive or given incentive for action
Committed - pledged to do, or to support, something, obligation, to put (oneself) under a particular obligation
To me Motivated is something that can come and go. Where being committed says that I am going to do this and stick with it until I meet my goal for a certain item.
So How does this play into getting fit?
Motivation can come from several things.
1. Seeing a picture of yourself and saying Wow I am that heavy...
2. Someone asking, if you are a woman, when the baby is do
3. Stepping on the Scale for the first time in a while
4. Your fat pants are too tight
5. Someone telling you that will be hard.
For me someone telling me that will be hard if more a motivator then anything. Some people say it is because they want to be around for their kids which this is true but after watching someone walk off the Biggest Loser last night after 1-2 workouts you know they might have been motivated by their kids but they were not ready to commit!
So for me I am committed. I am committed to go to the Barre (Pure Barre, now that there is another Barre in town). I am committed to completing the Les Mills Combat Program (order it at in the 8-9 weeks the Program runs.. I might not be at the top level but I will be doing. I commit to eating Healthy. And No that does not mean I am swearing off all sweats and the food you shouldn't eat, but yes they will be limited! After while having them is Blah and you don't want them.
Why have I become so Committed? I am sick and tired of feeling sick and Tired! I want to be able to play baseball or basketball with my sons. I want to feel better about myself... What other motivation do I need.
Last night on the Biggest Loser they stated that our children today have a lower life expectancy then our parents because of Obesity!
Yesterday was my 10th day in a row at the Barre! I got caught up on the Les Mills Combat program and I am ready to Rock the Rest of January!
I am using to track my goals!! You can follow me there to at FlipLosingIt
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