Thursday, July 24, 2014

No Scale!!

I have known for years that the number on the scale really doesn't matter. I am 5'2" 190lbs and based on these numbers have a BMI of 34.7

"Your BMI is 34.7, indicating your weight is in the Obese category for adults of your height."

What this doesn't tell you is how much body fat I have? Or if I have any other medical conditions that are causing this or even how much I work out. 

Ladies the number on the scale is a lie. Sure it is a way to measure yourself but it is not who you are. You are so much more..

This is where I am at today and How I am going to change.

After a month of watching what I eat and having binge days and/or meals during that time, heck one week I got off track for 4-5 days, I have lost 6.4 pounds. On June 16 2014 I weighed in at 196.4 today July 24 2014 I weighed in at 190. It is depressing to work so hard and see so little results on that scale even though I know that is not the whole picture.

I feel better. My pants are not as tight and I can see a flatter stomach. I will get there but over the next six weeks I am taking part in a #SixWeeksScaleFreeChallenge. 

For six weeks I will not get back on that scale. 

I will keep a food journal like I have been doing but I will also be writing down my feelings when I eat or what triggered the binge. I am female, I know that I am hormonal and I times I am going to want to crave my emotions by eating... Ice Cream, Chocolate, Wine, Pizza, Wine you get the picture. Writing down my feelings or how I feel after a meal will help me to see what causes my relationship to food to be so bad.

I will work on me. Not only in the gym and in the kitchen, but my emotional and spiritual well being. I am going to following the Made to Crave Study and re-read this book. I am going to study the Bible Everyday and spend 2 minutes with God! #20minuteGodChallenge.

I am going to work on my planks, double-unders and pull-ups. I am setting physical goals for myself and push to get there.

I am going to get healthier without having a relationship and weekly date with the scale!!