Monday, April 25, 2011

It is still burning.....

Well Let’s see what I have been up to see my last Blog… A whole lot I am sure since it has been a while. In two weeks, I have gotten Ms Heidi hooked on  Pure Barre and got to watch Mr Scary Bootcamp Man Mr Joe Martin take a Pure Barre Class.. I have done a litte insanity and well last week decided to join bootcamp again since a new session was starting up!!
Well it has been 2 months since Pure Barre came to town and I am still finding it just as challenging as the first day that I went. Well things have gotten “easier” but that just means that I can push myself harder or dig a little deeper! Down one more inch.. okay enough of that because my thighs hurt just thinking about it!! The Chair is still the one thing I just hate to hear in class though I am not longer a fan of that little red ball.. Yeah yeah you think it is just some kind of cute little red ball with no weights that you can hold between your thighs… Whoever told you that is telling you a story!! The “new” warm-up ok we have been doing it for three weeks or longer now is a total killer with that little red ball.. the plank seems virtually impossible now a days!  Last week during one of the classes Meredith, the sweet owner that you think couldn’t harm a fly, said these words “I have some new stuff for you today”…. I have never wanted to walk out of class before it started so bad. I knew this was not going to be easy and I wasn’t really sure I was up for the task! I can only remember 4th position and the other I must have blocked out all together!  I remember my thighs were burning burning burning… oh how I wish I could remember the other one..
Well today Bootcamp started back and we had Intro to Bootcamp today…. At 510amI left my house to get to camp on time and try to get my measurements taken.. I left the house. Took a right and then a left and before I knew it I was at Pure Barre.. Oh yeah they are not open in the early hours on Monday morning.. I finally made it to bootcamp. Just as I remembered… But something had changed.. Where had the good music gone! Joe really…. We need the music and we need to be able to hear it!! From bootcamp, to work to the Barre this Afternoon.. I honestly did not want to go but I knew I would feel much better after I went so I put my big girl panties on and went to class. Can we say Hot Barre not Pure Barre. I always like when Meredith or Katie teach because the studio is warm and your muscles are protected from injury more but they stay warmed up too!! Of course the means you are going to be soaking when you leave class. Today we had several newbies in the class and man you could tell.. Ok I know I was there just a few months ago.  Sometimes I really want to run over and tell them or show them what they are doing wrong but that is just in my nature! Over the past two weeks I have been able to do round back and not have to hold onto my leg anymore with a death grip! Well at least one we are only using one leg.. both are still in need of help!

Well time for me to wrap it up… Pure barre in the morning and some Insanity tomorrow afternoon!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Feeling the Burn.....

So I haven’t blogged in forever!! I have been way to tired when I got home from it all to even think about trying to blog about working out. So what have I been up too….

I actually had to go back and seen when I blogged last and then check my Pure barre Schedule to see what I have been doing…. Sad I know… So I went Thursday morning.. Yeah 6am….. Go me…. I remember getting up at 530am thinking I can do this and then not getting out of bed until 545am but getting to class on time.. I am glad class is so close… I remembering being a bit under the weather and thinking going to class wasn’t the best idea.. on too Saturday Night… No I didn’t make it to class on Friday due to a ballgame, Saturday because well I needed some sleep.. but Saturday night… Pure Barre Grand Opening.. and what a party it was.. The only thing I could think of that would have made it better was Dancing.. They had Food, GigI’s Cupcakes (miniature ones), Drinks and Music but no dancing… oh well it was still fun and they had a great turn out!!
One again no class on Sunday because I was on the farm so come Monday at 415pm  I was in total withdraws…

Monday was brutal.. yeah….. I am learning to hate that little red ball.. yeah the warm-up now consist of that little red ball and I don’t like it… Abs burn, burn, burn and at some points feel like they are going to rip away from my body…. And the plank that got easier and I could do the 90 seconds.. I feel like I am back at day 1!!! Ok yes it really does hurt that bad… Then we do this little push up thing but we are lowering our knees to work our lower Abs and Hello Pain…. The best way to describe it.. It feels like you have some kind of little Alien inside you trying to tear through your stomach muscles!!! Don’t be afraid to try it.. I have totally decided that I do have a 6 pack….underneath the belly fat!! It has got to go!!
Now Push-ups… and not our normally girly push-ups that I already think if MikeE saw me doing these I would be in serious trouble.. but 2 count Killer Push ups!! On to Triceps dips and man do they seem to get harder and not easier!! I am attempting to move from 3lb weights to 5lbs but I am a total whimp!!!! Totally…. I did make it halfway through Tuesdays workout with them!!!!

On to Thigh….. Monday I got way with no chair.. Wooh no chair.. The other days I was not so lucky…. Tuesday consisted of 1 chair exercise and when Katie taught on Wednesday.. 2 Chairs,, Yes two… Oh Brother seriously….. I think Katie said it best when she was on the Radio… Have you ever been to the gym and had a trainer??  If you have, I know they have made you do a Wall Sit…. Well in Pure Barre we do that for 55 minutes.. Okay not really but Thigh work is 10 minutes or so, then seat for 10 minutes or so and your leg is bent so it is like doing that dreaded wall sit for a good 20 minutes.. and man do your legs burn after words. I have always enjoyed doing the stretches after thigh work but lately they have been burning so bad that the stretched hurt!! So I have a Challenge for all of you Tough Guys out there… Come to a Pure Barre Class on Friday with me during the month of April.. I bet we can make you cry!!

Seat.. Well this seems to be getting tougher not easier!! Seriously! My Hips needs to be stretched or something because the opposite hip hurts that we are working and no matter how much I try to correct it, yes I have talked with the instructors on what I am doing wrong and how to fix it when it starts doing that, It does not help. And lifting my leg to the back at 5 or 7.. yeah I feel like I need a good stretch or something…. Then on to Ab work…. Always tough but I really am over that little Red Ball!! Over it!!!

In the meantime I also workout our upper body and Abs with MikeE on Tuesday right before Barre and man I keep saying I won’t do that again!! I burn more calories at Barre though but it makes the arm exercises and weights almost unbearable!

So it is getting close to the 2 months anniversary of Pure Barre and do I still love it.. YES!!! It is my
Happy  Place
for me each day just for those 55 minutes… I feel my body getting stronger and my cloths are fitting loser! I am trying to drag anyone with me that will go and give it a try… I am a believer and I have drank the Kool-Aide but it is some good stuff!!
After all this time I am still getting sore from doing this on basically a daily basis!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Burn..Lift..Burn.. Tone.. and did I say Burn

Well after being away from Pure Barre 2 days I was so excited to return today!!  I was even more pumped after Meredith and Katie were on the air this morning on 97.7 the Zone with Cole Cubelic… The men were obsessed with the thought that this was an all women’s class and wanted to know more about it…. They kept asking how many dudes were coming and wouldn’t that be a great place for a single guy to workout..  I was laughing so hard.. At one point they had one of the guys doing a thigh exercise…  That went on for about 30 seconds and he was beat.. Bring on the Men.. I really think they would all cry like a Baby!!!

So I enter class tonight ready to go… and almost like she is talking to me Katie says if you have been to more than 15 classes, get two sets of weights one light and one heavier….. oh ok.. I needed that little push. I have been using 3lbs weights for a month and need the push to go to 5lbs… you might be thinking, that is not heavy.. If you are… I DARE YOU to come to Class and pick up the 5lbs weights and do the warm up!!!

So we start class like always and the move to the floor to continue the warm-up yeah like a minute and a half in….and the dreaded ball comes out.. I have notice in the last two weeks, since the first day of spring intensive class the warm up changes from time to time, Which I just think is great because I could do the old one in my sleep.. Well I could tell you what it was and was getting pretty good at it but change is good… I honestly thought I wasn’t going to make it through Abs though to the Plank… yes the dreaded 1/5 minute plank with the ball.. I need to practice this more because I feel so uncoordinated doing it! And full body push ups.. Really can’t remember if we used the ball because I was getting over bootcamp and all the arm stuff from yesterday.. on to weights… Oh my… Triceps ok… Pick up the easier weight.. I think I made it almost the whole way through before I had to go back to the lighter ones.. It was past that burn point!!

Time for Thigh… First I have to say I am glad Katie had a good trip home and made it back safe but half way through thigh I was thinking something totally different!!  I have never been so excited not to do chair either!! WOOH!! We faced the Barre then to the side with the ball.. Go to your highest Pair of High Heels…. Yeah I was but I guess Ms Katie didn’t think so… That is what I get for walking into the studio (not on the carpet) with 4 inch heels on.. Well last thigh exercise… Wooh…
Time to stretch.. only I couldn’t stretch.. My thighs have NEVER burned so bad when trying to stretch I really did not think I was going to be able too!! On to seat..

For some reason the past few classes seat has been really hard for me… I can feel  it in my seat but in my muffin top, lower side back.. Not sure if I am doing something wrong or I am just working those muscles now.. yeah it had always done it but lately it seems worse.. Maybe I should ask about that..hmmm

Abs… ok Abs… How do you burn just thinking about Abs.. I hope I can laugh tomorrow because I am having lunch with a good friend and will need to laugh without crying.. yeah I know.. Great Workout and can’t wait to see the Girls in the Morning.. I have to make it to the 6am class because I am going to the Firm Body Bootcamp tomorrow though I won’t be able to laugh when Mr GQ trainer says you want to look better naked…
Well I got home from class, cooked some veggies and then attempted to do TurboFire to get some cardio on.. I made it 20 minutes of the tape I picked which was 55 minutes I think… I couldn’t take it anymore..

I am so looking forward to the weekend…. Pure Barre’s Grand Opening is Saturday Night and I have the best High Heels Picked out to wear.. Now to find something to wear with them!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Now that I have your attention!!!

It's official,  I have missed two days of Pure Barre in a row..... WOW!! I am having withdraws and tomorrow is going to hurt..

So what did I do today.. on 2/18/2011 I bought a Groupon to Firm body Fitness.. It meets in Big Spring Park 3 days a week... 2 during the week and one during the weekend! After watching the orientation video I was a little worried about going… The trainer looked like he spent hour in front of the mirror getting ready!!!  Yes a man that spends more time getting ready to go somewhere then I do worries me!! But I had two weeks to use that were quickly running out and these next two weeks with Spring Break and little balls games made this the two weeks!

So when I got there to the Park.. There was pretty boy! If he reads this I will probably be in so much trouble!! Anyways.. The setup… TRX Straps, Bands like I have never seen bands before, 10lb medicine balls (the kinds that you can throw and smash), Kettlebells and then we had to bring a mat! Ok I am excited…. This is going to be good… This is a coed camp.. we had 3 dudes to like 15ish chicks.. So a nice size crowd! I would say that the ages were from 28-45 and most of the women looked like they were in pretty good shape.. There was a few of us that weren’t quit as skinny but I mean some of them graduated high school in like 2000 I heard them.. and have no kids.. So there!!!

We started off with a warm up.. al ittle cardio work like butt kicks, seal jacks (and here I thought Joe invented those) body weight squats, and a little stretching that was easier than normally for me… I can really tell that Pure Barre is helping bring my flexibility back! I love it!! I feel 100 times better now!!

Ok on to the workout.. It consisted of doing an exercise from 30 seconds and then rest for 15 seconds and there were stations. Typical for a group exercise program like bootcamp…. You did an exercise and then another repeating it 2x before going to a different station…. Up right rows, over head press with the bands, TRX pulls working the upper back, medicine ball slams working the Abs, Kettlebell suitcase squats and then my favorite.. Pushups.. Full body.. None of those sissy knee pushups!!! Then everything was repeated one time before we got a water break… Then it was partner time….. grab a band and go up to the hill…  Great Chariot Races I knew where this was going.. and up a hill… Wow!

My partner was a little girl that looked like she was maybe 23, yeah I know I said 28, but she was really young or I am really old…don’t answer that! Yup.. we did chariot races up the hill and then across the field backwards, more squats and then a sprint and finished up with some Abs work before stretching.. The girl did ask me if it was my first time there and I said yes. And then did you get this deal off of Groupon.. Yes I did, I needed something to add to my program! She said she did too and last week was her first day. She said a lot of people were there with the Deal and they never saw them again.. I mean really people it is only 6 class… 45 minutes a day.. You sign up for a bootcamp and you think it is going to be easy!!!

So after Abs we stretched and man cold I tell the difference.. My knee nose went to both knees and I could lay flat on the ground. Even my cobra stretch was a lot higher.. Maybe I needed those two days off from Barre…. I can’t wait to go back to Barre tomorrow.. it is going to hurt..

So what didn’t I like about class… Water..  You should be able to get it when you need it.. If you are working hard you might need it after 3 or 4 exercises… My breathing got harder because my mouth was so dry! The next thing.. the music!! It was okay but I like more upbeat dance type music and he was more into the metal/rock stuff!! Other than that it was good..485 calories burned in 45 minutes.. I am for sure go to the next classes but.. MikeE kicks my butt just the same and at least he lets me have water..

Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed it and it was really tough and I know I will be sore tomorrow! And it is something I may add in from time to time....

If you want to check it out they have a deal where you can get a week free…

So where did the Look Better Naked come from… From their website….

And the instructor said that during the session…Look Better Naked and I just laughed… That is the least of my concerns.. why not.. Look better in your blue jeans!! I guess you don’t get the say effect from that!

Well back to the Barre for me tomorrow!! I can’t wait to see the Girls and I think Katie is back and teaching my class tomorrow.. I am super excited!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Tornado Warnings!! Twisted.Toned.Burned!!

Well as the weather started getting bad today it was time to go to the Barre… Little did I know as I was leaving work the storm was approaching mush faster than the weather men had expected it too.. I barely got to I565 from work when I got an email canceling all afternoon classes at Pure Barre..  It was a sad day but only a minute or two later I got the text from the NWS for a Tornado Warning for Huntsville and then I could hear the sirens… so Maybe Pure Barre wasn't the place to be... 3 walls of windows and the inside wall is covered in mirrors!! I was willing to go to class though if they had it!!  I quickly turned on the radio and hear, it is on 565 headed into Huntsville.. Great.. Yeah the sky behind me was solid black. I called my dad immediately because I knew he would be watching the weather. He said it was in Decatur and quickly into South Huntsville.. Great right where I was headed.. Since class was cancelled I was headed home.. I called my Little Weatherman, Cristian is obsessed with the Weather and had it on his laptop watching it downstairs and he said I had plenty of time to get home but the sirens were going off.. Got to love it, getting advice about where the Tornado that is going to blow me away is from an 8 year old! I researched the Parkway and Meredith from Pure Barre called to make sure I knew that class was cancelled for the night! How sweet is that!! She had the sweet tone if her voice but also that fear you can here from people that are not from around here.. You see us HuntsVegas Natives are used to the crazy spring weather..... of course it might have been fear but the sound of being on speaker phone!! See we have the best instructors at the Studio here. About the time I got home I it started raining!! And my first question is why aren’t you all in the bathroom, they just said on the news it is crossing the parkway… No it’s not.. Turn on Dan… Yeah they said the storm was on Carl T and was almost to Target… Duh!! So I went on the back porch to watch it and made the kids get in the bathroom.. Seriously, I have an unhealthy obsession with storms.. While at Auburn we would get into a truck/suv and go look for it.. The things we do in college…
This picture is of the 1989 Tornado path that hit where Pure Barre is located...
Well No Pure Barre class for me today but I was determined to get my lift.tone.burn in…. Yeah Goals… I wasn’t sure all day how I was going to be able to do class today… either playing baseball got me this weekend or more than likely we really worked our obliques yesterday. All day it hurt to turn, laugh or sneeze.. Thanks Madeline!! I know it was class yesterday.. Never have I felt it so much in my obliques and muffin top!! J It is a good thing though, I just could laugh all day..
So with no class today and it raining cats and dogs I had to settle for the next best thing.. Pure Barre Lowry Lofts:2 DVD.. I must say this DVD was 10 times better than the other one I tried the other day, 1th street:1.  What I liked.. the thigh exercises were better in this one and the seat.. all of them were things I had done in class! What I didn’t like, once again it wasn’t  the 45 minutes it promised, the music was less than exciting and the taping was a little awkward!  This one was much better though I just expect a lot more out of the DVDs.. They are something good to take on travel or when a Tornado is going to blow away the studio…  I can’t wait to get back to class tomorrow!! And Today I remembered.. This week is their grand opening… I have my highest pair of high heels, 6 inches to be exact, ready and now to find a dress suitable for the Big Event!!
And to all my Huntsville friends out there… If you would like to give Pure Barre a try send me an email, text…  You can join me on Fridays at 4:15 for the month of April!!!! I just have to get you signed up for the class!!!  I have never felt so good!!!! And you will be totally hooked once you go!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

How was your weekend??

Well I started it off right!!! Pure Barre after work on Friday afternoon... I remember having an instructor that I haven't had yet and thinking she is pretty good... my Abs burned the most.. They are almost just brutal to try and move...
Saturday was a long day... I missed the Barre that morning because well I couldn't get up! that and we had a 10am ballgame and needed to be there by 945 and I didn't want to be rush! bad me bad me and I didn't even put in a tape!! Well we all need a break from time to time. Saturday afternoon I played a little baseball with Cristian at the farm.. Wow I can't remember using some of the muscles I did when I played softball back in the day... my obliques are killing me today.. okay it could have been from the Barre on Friday too. it really seems like when I miss a day I am overly sore the next and one exercise is extremely harder than another..

Today at the Barre that was the case!! The instructor went with a different warm up and wow.... I had done most if not all the stuff before but it is nice to have a change.. you can tell you are working your muscles in a different way.. That is one thing I love about the Barre... No matter how many days a week you go, do the same 3 type of exercises but classes are always different! The instructor picks them from what I would call a mix and match bag... 3 thigh, 2-3 seat and Abs.. can't get enough Abs!!

Today I seemed to have a break through though.... my thighs didn't burn as much.. I say as much because they still burned but I was able to get through almost all three exercises without wanting to cry.. Time to sink one inch lower... I wish I could say that about seat though.. Normally the easiest of the 3 for me today we killer.. halfway through the first right side seat I was done... for some reason my supporting foot fell asleep so that didn't help... and then we got to the left seat... Hello Muffin Top you are fired..I could feel the burning and toning so much I thought I was going to have a major cramp in my side all night!!!
On to Abs.... I am starting to feel braver and letting go a little bit more.. well until we twist... I had already worked that muffin top and twisting to the right or left.... burn baby burn!!! Class is over.... wooh.. Glad I am came.. ok now time to run to a birthday party at the movie theater!!

As I was leaving I saw there were new victims going the next class... I always like to talk to people after class who has been there for their first time... I am hooked and I really can't see how anyone can't be...
The instructor (who I have been told don’t like red bull, but get their energy from going to classes) are great! They are encouraging and get to know you.. I always hated going to an aerobic class at my old gym (oh yeah I cancelled my gym membership after like 2 years because of Pure Barre.. I am that convinced on this) and the instructor had no clue who you were.. They were just there to teach the class. The women in class are so supportive of each other and for those of us regulars that are getting to know each other, we help each other through class! And then there is the music.. I have to have good music at all times though I find myself wanting to download everything they play in class so when I get on the elliptical at my house!

And now for the best part... I never thought I would post anything like this on a public page but I am a true believer of this... so here is a picture of me, this is me two years ago before Pure Barre and this isn't the worse one!

Sorry it is blurring but me after a month of Pure Barre

Can you see the difference...

So what are my goals for the week??
Attend at least 5 Pure Barre Classes... but I am shooting for a none stop week
I am also going to be trying this new bootcamp that I got a deal off of groupon or social living and to be honst I am not really looking forward to it.. I bought it before Pure Barred totally hooked me.

and for Cardio.. I am starting Insanity again and I have to start running!!

Best Thing to Note about the weekend... we were cleanign out the garage and packing up alot of old cloths to take to one or the thrift stores and I just had to try a pair on.. So I grabbed a pair that didn't fit when we had the garage sale soemtime late last yet.. and when I say didn't fit.. we are talking about inches from thinking about zipping.. and guess what!! I could zip them!!